The Secret to
the power of love language...
with Sarah Bahbah and Amie Leadingham

Whether you know it or not, we ALL speak our own Love Language. Whether it be to a romantic partner, a friend, family members, or colleagues, we all have our preferred ways to GIVE and RECEIVE love! Robin has an insightful and fun discussion about the power of love language with photography sensation Sarah Bahbah and dating expert Amie Leadingham! The women talk about their secrets on how to comfortably express and accept love and their personal experiences on the topic. Robin opens up about her 43-year marriage and the ways that she and Dr. Phil ensure that they both feel loved and appreciated in the relationship!
PLUS: Play a fun quiz along with Robin and the women to find out what YOUR love language is!

Sarah Bahbah is a 27-year-old artist globally known for her deeply emotional and liberating work. She shoots gorgeous images and often overlays them with subtitles, giving a window into her subject’s insecurities and vulnerabilities with all forms of love. Her photos smash the stereotype that emotion- especially in women- is a hindrance.
Racking up almost a million followers on Instagram, Sarah has successfully captivated a modern generation with her gorgeous art, and it’s no wonder why major brands like Gucci are lining up to collaborate with her. She is currently hosting self-funded solo exhibitions internationally with tens of thousands in attendance, and previously displayed in major art exhibitions around the world with celebrity admirers including Emma Watson, Katy Perry, Diplo and the likes; her practice has been celebrated globally.
More information at: www.sarahbahbah.com
AMIE LEADINGHAM, master certified relationship coach
Amie Leadingham is a Master Certified Relationship Coach based in Los Angeles. Her relationship coaching and mentoring support have helped singles from around the world find their life partners.
Her dedication and passion have led Amie to be named one of LA’s “Best Dating Coaches” by
Dating Advice and named one of LA's Most Inspiring Story from Voyage LA Magazine. Amie has been featured in a variety of media outlets including the CBS Network, Fox 5 News,
People Entertainment Weekly Channel, HelloGiggles, Martha Stewart Weddings. She is the author of “A Women’s Handbook to Online Dating.” Grab her free ebook, "5 Dating Traps Keeping You Single”.
More information at: www.amiethedatingcoach.com